Problems of Control Panel  Win 8.1 with Update 3

Dear Sir/Ms,

After selecting the small icons of the Control Panel, it always returns to the Category Icons when closing the Control Panel. Please advise me how to fix the small Icons of the Control Panel permanently.   Please refer to the inserted images.

Thank you!


Best regards,


July 13th, 2015 5:46am

Create another User Account with Administrative privileges and recheck the issue there.
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July 13th, 2015 6:31am

Dear S.Sengupta, thank you for your partial answers.

The problem remain the same for Administrator account. ie, after closing the Control Panel, the Small icons always return to Category icons. Can Small Icons be always fixed in Control Panel in Administrator Account?

Thank you.


July 13th, 2015 11:25am

Hi Engch,

A screenshot will be more clear to understand the issue.

Check the following registry key:


Set this to 0 for large icons, 1 to small icons.

Best r

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July 14th, 2015 2:33am

Hi Engch,

A screenshot will be more clear to understand the issue.

Check the following registry key:


Set this to 0 for large icons, 1 to small icons.

If the issue persists, please run "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" to check the health of the system files.

Best r

July 14th, 2015 6:31am

Hi MeipoXu, thank you for quick your reply.

It is sorry that your proposed methods still cannot solve my problem. I am an end user of Win 8.1 Pro. Is there any more method can be used to solve this problem?

Thank you!

Best regards,


Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 15th, 2015 7:27am

Hi Engch911,

Have you tried to run dism command to check the health of the system files?
The registry key I have posted is used to control this behavior.  Have you confirmed the registry keys` value  configured with "1"?
If it is not configured as "1", we could try to configure it as "1"manually. We may need to restart the machine to make it take effect. Please double check the value after performing a restart.

If the issue persists, we could take the following steps to have a troubleshoot.
1.To isolate a third party conflict issue, we could perform a clean boot to have a troubleshoot.
How to perform a clean boot in Windows
2.If issue persists, run "net user administrator /active:yes" to activate the built-in administrator account and login with this account to have a check.

Best regards

July 15th, 2015 10:52pm

Hi MeipoXu, thank you very much  for your proposed detailed answers.

The problem has been solved.

Enjoy your holiday.

Best regards,

Eng CH

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July 18th, 2015 7:29am

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